If you have a tan-colored yard waste cart or outdated trash or recycling carts, new ones are on the way!
You should have three carts with the City of Cupertino logo:
- Green for organics and food scraps
- Blue for recycling
- Gray for waste to landfill
What do I need to do?
Please put all your carts out every week on your service day during September, October, and November to help Recology make sure that all carts are correct.
Why is this happening?
California’s new state law, Senate Bill (SB) 1383, California’s Short-lived Pollutant Reduction Strategy, requires that organics carts be green. Most Cupertino homes already have green carts, but it is time to make sure any remaining older tan ones are removed from service. At the same time, any outdated trash and recycling carts without proper labeling can be swapped out to bring all carts up to date.
SB 1383 goes into effect in January 2022 and requires all organic materials (including yard waste and food scraps) to be placed in green carts and sent for composting. That keeps them out of the landfill where they generate methane. Thank you for doing your part!
What will happen to the old carts?
The old carts will be disassembled and returned to the cart manufacturer to be recycled into new carts.
Who can I contact with questions?
If you have any questions, please contact Recology at RecologySouthBay@Recology.com or (408)725-4020.