The regional
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) event is Saturday, May 3rd, at Rogue Transfer and Recycling (8001 Table Rock Rd, White City) from 8 AM – 4:30 PM. The event is FREE for Recology residential customers in Ashland, Talent, and Jackson County (IDs will be checked). A similar event for small commercial generators is scheduled for Friday, May 2nd, and requires registration (fees apply).
Acceptable Items |
Unacceptable Items |
- Cleaning supplies (window cleaner, drain cleaner, bathroom cleaner, anything containing bleach or ammonia)
- Pesticides and insecticides
- Swimming pool chemicals
- Weed killers not currently approved for use
- Paint remover
- Old or toxic wood preservatives
- Light ballasts
- Alkaline and rechargeable batteries
- Thermostats containing mercury
- E-Cigarettes
- Paint (see for more info)*
- 55-gallon drums
- Fluorescent light tubes
Medical or biological waste
Propane tanks
- Explosives
- Radioactive materials
- Ammunition
- Commercial or industrial waste
- Waste in containers larger than 5 gallons
We do not accept paint at this event. Thanks to an Oregon law enacted in 2010, there are now local paint stores that will accept your latex and oil-based paints year-round. Go to and enter your zip code to find participating stores in your area. We recommend calling the store to make sure they have room to accept your paint before you visit.
Safety protocol:
All participants will remain in their cars once on site. Trained hazardous waste personnel will come to you and remove the items from your vehicle. Wherever possible, please put your items to be disposed of in your trunk or rear section of your car. Once in the unloading area, please turn off your vehicle and open the trunk or pop the hatch and we’ll take care of the rest.
Experienced site chemists will be on hand all day to sort through everything that comes in — setting the “still usable” items on a special table. These carefully chosen, safely packaged items are yours to take, free! Stop by and see what’s available!
Does your business have hazardous waste?
Businesses in Jackson and Josephine counties can take advantage of our special Conditionally Exempt Generator Day, held each year as part of our Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off event. This service is by application only and appointments are made in advance. Fees are charged according to the type and volume of waste being disposed. This year’s event takes place on Friday, May 2nd.