Artists Archive - Page 9 of 29 - Recology
California Cont.

I explore and investigate the human world through the lenses of landscape and the environment. These concepts are human constructions, both deliberate and ones of happenstance. In questioning these constructs I begin to explore not only the physical landscape and its materials but also the metaphorical content we embed within. My work strives to make […]

The Trappist mystic, Thomas Merton, wrote that “art enables us to lose ourselves and find ourselves at the same time.” At the core of my artistic practice is drawing. The ability to express oneself through line is liberation for the artist. My drawings embrace physicality, gesture and mark making. I am interested in exploring how […]

I am a multimedia sculptor and printmaker working predominantly with discarded, destroyed, and found materials. My art practice is rooted in a deep and thoughtful exploration and evaluation of these materials and objects. All this is in the pursuit of seeing an object not just for what it is, or what it was, but everything […]

Hartwig’s work questions constructs of power and control that enforce balance. She uses art making as an active and urgent attempt to create a movable fulcrum that draws attention, questioning, and awareness to our shared state of being.  Her work merges formal training of finely crafted objects and illustration with experimental approaches to new material. […]

I often find myself equally if not more interested in the process by which something was made than the thing itself.  The worlds of manufacturing and production are hidden from the eyes and ears of the consumer and because of that the histories of the things that surround us often remain untold.  I use my […]

Artist Statement – My large-scale installations and sculptures examine the lingering effects of exploitation and human ambition from the Age of Discovery on our current socio-ecological climate. In my museum inspired installations I embody the character of curator and naturalist, using aesthetics of scientific authority while taking poetic license with truth and history. I pull […]

Artist Statement – Since 2013, I have been working on a series I call ID# examining the construct of identity, its elasticity and tensions that simultaneously stretch, while holding together our social fabric in the fast-paced stream of information. The latest strings series on wood stretchers explore composition studies on the geometry of interaction reflecting […]

Artist Statement – I am compelled to recompose the world around me. I walk through the physical landscape, observe first hand buildings, bridges and architecture, pedestrians and traffic, garbage on the street, cranes overhead, mountains and forests in the distance, exhaustively documenting them all. I break these forms apart and use the pieces to rebuild […]

Artist Statement – My work is an ongoing investigation of disintegration and decay, to understand life-cycles, origins and survival. Inspired by taxonomies of the natural world, I attempt to fuse a relationship between humans and the environment. My aim is to evoke deliberation of responsibility, deterioration and empathy. Collecting reclaimed items allows me to survey […]

Artist Statement – Every time I start working on a new piece of art, the beauty of the materials inform my work, challenging and motivating me. I like to focus on the inherent tactile qualities of the materials I choose as well as their history and the social implications of using them. I am excited […]