Artists Archive - Page 28 of 29 - Recology
California Cont.

My works are influenced by my interest in modern mechanics and devices that we have become so reliant upon since the industrial and technological explosion over the last century, and even more so, the last few decades.  These interests are manifested through kinetic sculpture and installations, which evoke a sense of play and humor, whilst […]

I enjoy seeing the naive passion with which we go about our daily endeavors. Everything is ad-hoc, a mash-up of desires, coincidences, and just-in-time decisions. As individuals we putter and stumble, and as a society we inch forward, dragged along by time as much as anything else. This slow movement, this clumsy fabrication, is my […]

Imin Yeh is an interdisciplinary project-based artist, working in sculpture, installation, participatory events, and print. The projects are reactions to the systems surrounding how objects are made and how objects are desired, valued, and consumed. The diversity of her practice is unified by a continual pushing at the boundaries of printmaking; a medium at the […]

Human activity is causing the mass extinction of plant and animal species at an alarming rate. I paint carefully rendered, miniature portraits of endangered animals into larger compositions to raise questions about Earth’s biodiversity crisis and the place of wildlife within increasingly unstable habitats. The swirling and exploding shapes, bright colors, representational elements, and unlikely […]

Jeremy Rourke creates stop-motion animated films from vintage photographs and other ephemera.  With the look of bygone days come to life, but also incorporating bits of contemporary imagery, these short films are presented in tandem with Rourke’s musical compositions.  Singing and playing guitar with his films, Rourke’s live cinema performances connect to traditions of traveling […]

The process of my making is an attempt to address identity within the modern world upon the existence of exclusion.  Early on my choice of medium was the camera.  At the end of my first undergraduate study in 2002, I took an art class in the medium of photography.  It was a life-changing experience, for […]

My practice involves puppetry, sculpture, painting, video and photography and is informed by storytelling, history, good vs. evil, empathy, replication and humor.  I present my work by blurring the lines between observation and participation, implementing the viewers as characters in my installations through the use of prop, narrative and scale. I make objects that are […]

My work revolves around observing and commenting on contemporary culture through re-imagined prototypes of early American histories and practices. I thrive on long-range projects that merge research, painting, installation and social interaction. Since 2003, I have explored the tropes of American nomadic culture from a roaming Sideshow Tent with the Roadside Show & Tell, to the Beautiful Possibility Project, a […]

Jeremiah Barber is a visual artist whose work examines how we see ourselves, and how we see and are seen by our natural environment. In sculpture, video, and performance, Barber’s work explores gaps in our own senses alongside plant and animal adaptations that are beyond our comprehension. Barber has exhibited nationally and internationally including at […]

My work subverts public space through absurd performance interventions. Since 1996, I have worked in the street to have immediate interaction with a public audience and to collect society’s detritus, trash, and artifacts for sculptures. Working within an anti-capitalist frame, my process is physical and conceptual as I juxtapose and collide dissimilar elements, objects, and materials […]