Artists Archive - Page 24 of 29 - Recology
California Cont.

My work relates a quasi interest in physics and all things of the universe and science with social conditions and relations, primarily using humor of the extraordinary kind. True intelligent breakthroughs in astrophysics are normally produced on small ranches in Texas by unknown ranchers and cowboys. It is only by chance that the stories told […]

It is my intention to have my artwork ask more questions than assert hard answers and overt meaning.  I like to create situations where initial perceptions about a particular piece of artwork are not immediately understood; creating what Walter Benjamin termed, “the blind spot,” or a moment of mental detach that incites conceptual thought.  Here […]

Fun is the universal language. Information is learned through visceral experience. Exploring ourselves through motion, we face our joys and excitement as well as our fears and hesitation. Physical memories hold lakeside property in our consciousness. Much of my artwork consists of bicycle-powered kinetic sculpture. Participants move themselves through space by pushing bicycle pedals. People-powered […]

I’ve followed a linear path for the past fifteen years.  I began doing experimental live-performed video, which gradually became a kind of narrative, media-based theater.  Later, I lost interest in working live, and my present work has a resemblance to traditional moviemaking.  Through all these phases of development, I have always used elements of physical assemblage, […]

The marks left by people and the way nature incorporates those marks into the landscape have always fascinated me.  Human-made environments are in time turned back to nature.  I am interested in the point at which nature has infiltrated and textured the relics, but has not yet absorbed the evidence of a human narrative.  This […]

From a tendency to engage in highly process-driven tactile endeavors, a natural inclination to salvage, and a deep appreciation for architecture and the natural environment, I explore, stretch and refine the typical associations and intended functions of mundane, excess and disregarded materials. I encounter these materials in various conditions. In some cases the patina of use is […]

In all of my collage work I am interested in transformation, and in particular, how I can re-use and re-imagine old images into entirely new contexts and meanings. My vision is to create pieces which, despite all that troubles the world, mirror the peacefulness and benevolent energy that is also part of my experience.  The bejeweled […]

I paint on sheetrock and reclaimed construction boards using discarded paint to bring attention to necessary structures that not only protect us from the elements, but divide, encompass, and define societies as well.  Historically, walls have been vehicles for personalization, canvasses to decorate, and tell the stories of our existence. Looking beyond the utilitarian definition, […]

Nicolas Bourriaud discusses a contemporary art practice, coined “postproduction” as artists who reproduce, re-purpose, or re-mix available cultural products in a process referred to as “cultural recycling.”  Similar to hip-hop artists sampling previously created music or splicing together clips of video, postproduction is the act of synthesizing disparate artifacts from our lives to create a fresh, […]

I completed a triptych of films about rural life and farming — the third of which, Range, was presented at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival.  My new project, Soiled, is both a continuation of themes explored in my previous works and an outgrowth of my own experiences of living and growing food in the city […]