Artists Archive - Page 22 of 29 - Recology
California Cont.

I am a video/new media artist who works with computers, photographs, and films. I use recycled materials, such as 8 and 16mm home movies, found photographs, and found letters. I edit these in the computer and create short videos, prints, and three-dimensional installations. I am concerned with issues of memory, how we interpret and understand […]

My artist agenda has always been the promotion of cartoons as an art form. Cartoon imagery is a keystone of pop culture, and I dissect this popular icon through what I term “Cartoon Literalism.” My personal reaction born of an eclectic mix of cliche cartoon protocol and individual aesthetic Cartoon Literalism is a simple narrative […]

Ever since I can remember, I was told not to be what I am, Chicana. Discouraged from speaking my mother tongue and encouraged to pass, by the age of six I stopped speaking altogether. Language has always been central to my artistic and life observations.  It wasn’t until I was in my 40s that I […]

My work is a social statement, a commentary on Society. Visions from daily life are points of departure for my work. The concepts I have used in my art are chosen as they are introduced via mass communication media or through personal experiences. I utilize recycled clay, concrete, and rust in combination with found objects […]

As the son of a historian and teacher, I was raised with an appreciation of history, education, and the relics and lessons of the past, so it should come as no surprise that I would eventually become an artist/educator who uses discarded objects as the raw materials for art. Objects have power, they are invested […]

I am a father. I am a husband. I am a provider and subsequently a producer. I am a consumer. I am an individual and a number. My work is a diacritic account of the residue of my participation in a system of mass production. Using time as a reference and materials gleaned from my […]

“Garbage” — seen, selected, and loved — recalibrates the synchronicity of its path and therefore everything. The event becomes art. An object becomes the exploration of a human experience. Ever since I was a little boy, I have been making stuff. At a very young age — 5 or 6 perhaps — I remember making […]

I’m drawn to the ephemeral quality of old newspapers, discarded letters, cards, paper and the remains of remnants of outdated technology and mechanisms. Individually, these remnants of the past may appear random and out of context, but when printed and layered together, a kind of alchemy occurs. Patterns begin to energy, new connections are created […]

Through my work, I hope to gain an understanding of things in the process of becoming. I try to create a scene that exists in a tenuous balance, suspended between an unseen past and an uncertain future. This is a place that faces both fear and fascination. I’m motivated by uncertainty because it offers so […]

I use sculpture and painting as a means to reorganize and examine the hierarchy in mass visual culture. I tinker with the visual allure of popular culture to help me gain control of its primal charm. By doing this, I am able to profile the strengths and weakness of historical cultural archetypes, while developing a […]