Artists Archive - Page 19 of 29 - Recology
California Cont.

My interest in recycled materials stems from an innate thriftiness, disgust at the wastefulness of our society (along with an appreciation of the wealth of potential it affords), and a love of the unexpected. In 1987, I began a series of painted collages using scraps Xeroxed from photographs, advertisements and art history books, finding a […]

My work is a tribute to contemporary women and shows the beauty of ordinary women. Recurring themes are fashion, health, age, beauty, adornment, body image, and gender polarization, all addressed in humorous ways. My work is also a social statement, a reaction to society. How people relate to one another, how culture dictates gender behavior, […]

As a site-inspired interdisciplinary artist, I want to find the medium/media most appropriate to each piece I make. I am not rigidly bound to any particular material or method. Instead, I let the task at hand suggest the forms in which it should be expressed. In this way, the media are interrelated by virtue of […]

My first creations in the visual arts came about as a direct result of working with Peter Schuman’s Bread and Puppet Theatre in New York City in the early 1960s.  It was after performing as a masked dancer in Schuman’s TOTENDANZ production in 1962, that I began mask-making and also creating small hand puppets.  The […]

As the resident artist for the second half of 1998, I was encouraged to fish through the “waste stream” looking for materials with which I could make art.  The challenge is of course to transform junk, i.e. to practice alchemy.  Many items that you can find have an implied social meaning, like the elements from […]

Years ago I used to live in Marin County and there was a dump in San Rafael, the old “San Quentin Dump.” It had no relation to the prison. It was just located near it.  My son was very young then and he and I used to go to the dump every Saturday and look […]

I find beauty in everything.  From an object’s color and patterns, to its shape and texture. I love to collect things, especially objects that others have discarded for trash. To me, others just haven’t yet seen their beauty. I love to take apart a piece of machinery and find an object that was designed only […]

Tailings tell stories of the city. These discarded objects are scarred, bent, broken and crushed. They represent cycles of life in the city. I work with found objects because they speak to me, not only of the history of their useful life, but of their potential for aesthetic function. I work intuitively, putting objects together […]

As both a conceptual and figurative artist, my work explores cultural stereotypes and social mores. My work in metal and mixed media uses found, discarded, and recycled materials to create sculptural form.  Many of my pieces are a reflection of my emotional angst regarding social and cultural pressure. The two areas I am most interested […]

It has always been my belief that art and creativity is a transformative process. Transformation of feeling into idea, idea into form, recycled materials into new form has been an essential idea in my creative expression. The object is a metaphor and the material, glass, acts as metaphor. Glass is abundant in its ambiguities. It […]