Imin Yeh is an interdisciplinary project-based artist, working in sculpture, installation, participatory events, and print. The projects are reactions to the systems surrounding how objects are made and how objects are desired, valued, and consumed. The diversity of her practice is unified by a continual pushing at the boundaries of printmaking; a medium at the intersection of popular literacy, commercialism, and social engagement.

This process-based medium and its potential for multiples reflect the inherent relationship between process and product; a laying bare of the labor involved that echoes the contemporary necessity for efficiency, production, and profit. Copying the very aesthetic and process that is ubiquitous in the mass-production of commercial industry, the projects blur the lines between imaginary and “real” businesses, people, and/or products. Through humor, satire, and participation, the projects try to implicate the viewer into more critical dialogue about the invisible labor and the stories behind the objects we consume.

Residency: October 2014 - January 2015
Art Exhibition: Friday, January 23  &  Saturday, January 24

Visit Imin Yeh's website

Photos for this artist.