I enjoy seeing the naive passion with which we go about our daily endeavors. Everything is ad-hoc, a mash-up of desires, coincidences, and just-in-time decisions. As individuals we putter and stumble, and as a society we inch forward, dragged along by time as much as anything else. This slow movement, this clumsy fabrication, is my biggest inspiration.

We see ourselves in mechanical movement. Is this a product of history, a nostalgic reaction? Or do we relate to machines as a matter of selfish conceit, torching anthropomorphism in order not to be bested by sprockets and pistons? Either way, the mechanism becomes something with which the viewer forms a relationship. As the machine moves and jerks into life, it reveals its history. The careful hours, the accidental successes, the hasty fixes. We cannot help but see our lives reflected back at us.

Photos and press release for this artist.

Residency: February 2013 - May 2013
Art Exhibition: Friday, May 17  &  Saturday, May 18

Visit Benjamin Cowden's website