Hazardous Waste - Recology South Bay: City of Santa Clara
California Cont.
Hazardous Waste

Household hazardous waste may NOT be disposed of in the trash

Hazardous waste, including electronic waste, accounts for significant amounts of toxic waste in landfills. Items such as electronics, fluorescent bulbs and tubes, paints, pesticides, cleaning products, old medications and other chemicals are illegal to put in the garbage or pour down a drain or gutter because they contaminate our soil, drinking water and air.

Drop Off
Residents and small businesses can dispose of their hazardous waste through the Santa Clara Country Hazardous Waste Program. Drop off facilities are open several days each month.

What is considered household hazardous waste (HHW)?
Household hazardous waste falls into four basic categories:

For more information, please click on the tab below.


Batteries Can Spark Trouble


Contact Mission Trails for battery collection: (408) 727-5365.

For safety, please tape over the contact points of each lithium battery. Look for “Lithium” or “Li” (most button and rechargeable batteries).


Curbside Collection
Put bulbs in a clear ziploc-type plastic bag and place next to recycling cart for collection on your regular pickup day.



When medications are disposed of in the trash or down the drain, they can end up in the wrong hands, or in our soils and waterways. Waste water treatment facilities are not properly equipped to remove medicinal substances from the water. The result? A wide range of pharmaceuticals have been found in our rivers and lakes.

Drop off for safe handling at nearby police stations and select pharmacies. Seniors may contact Heart of the Valley to request a pick-up of household hazardous waste (HHW) and pharmaceutical waste.


Just one quart of motor oil that is disposed of improperly can contaminate up to 2 million gallons of fresh water. Please contain your oil in a tightly sealed container for pickup.

Curbside Collection
Place used motor oil in one-gallon plastic containers with tight fitting, screw top lids (milk and water jugs with pop-on lids are acceptable). Lids must be taped securely! You may place up to two one-gallon containers next to your recycling bin for pickup.

Used Oil Filters – place fully drained filters in a sealed, leak-proof, plastic bag and place curbside next to your recycling bins.



Residents and small businesses can dispose of their hazardous waste through the Santa Clara Country Hazardous Waste Program. Drop off facilities are open several days each month.

PaintCare offers take-back programs at no charge. Find a location to drop off interior and exterior paints, primers, thinners, and solvents.



Residents with medical conditions requiring the use of hypodermic needles are required to arrange for proper disposal. California law prohibits the disposal of “sharps waste” in trash or recycling containers.

Home generated sharps waste includes: Hypodermic needles, pen needles, syringes, lancets, and other devices that are used to penetrate the skin for medical purposes.

Drop-Off & Take-Back Programs
Please place home-generated sharps waste in biohazard containers (available for purchase at local pharmacies and some office supply stores) and contact your health care provider, local pharmacies, hospitals or clinics to ask if they offer a collection program.

For more information on pharmacies and other locations that accept used sharps waste within the Santa Clara County or to use its Online Appointment System to dispose of your sharps waste, visit Santa Clara Department of Health: Household Hazardous Waste Program or call 408-299-7300.

Mail-Back Service
Check out CalRecycle’s sharps waste mail-back services.