Hello Sebastopol!
All of us at Recology are genuinely excited to join the Sebastopol community as your recycling, organics, and garbage collection service provider.
We are proud to be providing excellent customer service to you and to help our community divert as many materials as possible away from the landfill.
Pick up our Kitchen Countertop Pails: Sebastopol residents can now pick up a countertop kitchen pail to make it easier to compost food scraps. Visit our Recology Sonoma Marin offices at 3400 Standish Ave, Santa Rosa, M-F, 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM to pick up your pail.
Holiday Tree Recycling: Drop-off available at Sebastopol City Corp Yard at 425 Morris St, Dec 26 – Jan 10. Trees must be unflocked with metal stakes removed. Trees can also be cut to fit inside your green cart, with the lid closed, for collection on any of your regular service days.