Hazardous wastes such as electronics, fluorescent bulbs and tubes, paints, pesticides, cleaning products, old medications, and other chemicals are illegal to place in the garbage or pour down a drain or gutter because they contaminate our soil, drinking water, and air. Find out more about proper disposal options based on the material type and your location in the lists below.
Choose your county:
- Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Information
- Household Electronic Disposal Information
- Motor Oil Recycling Information
- Household Battery Recycling Locations
- Compact Fluorescent Light Recycling Locations
- Safe Medication Disposal Locations
Electronics Collection: Recology Sonoma Marin collects electronics for recycling, through our residential bulky item pickup program. Please contact customer service to set up an appointment, and find out more about how to properly prepare your materials. Sonoma County transfer stations also accept household electronics for recycling, and Goodwill will accept electronics, (working or not). Please visit ZeroWasteSonoma.gov for additional recycling options and community drop-off events.
Motor Oil: Recology offers curbside pickup of motor oil and filters. Call our customer service team to request an oil kit (a container and sealable filter bag). When filled, call customer service to request a pickup, and place oil and filters at the curb next (NOT IN) to your recycling cart for pickup. There are also many locations in Sonoma County that will accept motor oil and filters.
Visit ZeroWasteSonoma.gov to find a location.
Treated Wood Waste Now Accepted: Starting August 31, 2022, treated wood (any wood that has been treated with a chemical preservative to protect the wood against attacks from insects, microorganisms, or fungi) is accepted for disposal and considered hazardous waste per California State law. It must be disposed of properly.
Find a disposal site near you: ZeroWasteSonoma.gov/materials/treated-wood/.
Batteries:These contain acids, toxic metals, and stored energy which can easily ignite if handled improperly. You can safely dispose of batteries by taking them to a number of local retailers and government facilities. Check out the full list of participating locations on Zero Waste Sonoma’s websitehere.
BATTERY CURBSIDE SERVICE:Please place batteries in a sealed plastic bag on top of your recycling cart on your service day. Your recycling driver will collect them separately from your recyclable materials.This service is available for single-family residences only.
Batteries Can Spark Trouble

Propane Tanks: Seemingly empty tanks can often still have a small amount of gas and pressure, posing a serious risk of explosion when collected and processed. Residents can safely dispose of propane tanks at Zero Waste Sonoma’s Household Hazardous Waste Facility located at Central Landfill (500 Mecham Rd., Petaluma, CA). Learn more about disposal here.
Visit Zero Waste Marin for household hazardous waste disposal information.
Toxics: The Novato Sanitary District operates a drop-off facility for household hazardous waste. Located behind the Novato Recycling Center, 7576 Redwood Blvd., the facility is open by appointment only on the first and third consecutive Sundays and Mondays of each month. For more information or to make an appointment please call 415.892.7344 or visit: NovatoSan.com
Electronic Waste: The Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility accepts all types of electronics, including computers, TVs, small household appliances, and microwaves by appointment for recycling. No large appliances such as refrigerators, stoves, or washers/dryers.
Motor Oil: The HHW Facility at 7576 Redwood Blvd. will accept used motor oil and filters by appointment for recycling. There are also many locations in Marin County that will accept motor oil for recycling. Many locations also take oil filters. Search to find the location nearest you.
Batteries: The Novato Recycling Center at 7576 Redwood Blvd. will accept all types of household batteries for recycling during normal business hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 10 AM – 4 PM. There are also many locations in Marin County that will accept batteries for recycling. Search to find the location nearest you.
Batteries Can Spark Trouble

Fluorescents and CFLs: The HHW Facility will accept fluorescent tubes and CFLs by appointment for recycling.
Search to find the location nearest you.
Sharps and Medications: Safe Medication & Sharps Disposal Locations
- Treated Wood Waste Now Accepted: Starting August 31, 2022, treated wood (any wood that has been treated with a chemical preservative to protect the wood against attacks from insects, microorganisms, or fungi) is accepted for disposal and considered hazardous waste per California State law. It must be disposed of properly. Find a disposal site near you.