Recycling Guides & Newsletters - Recology San Benito County
California Cont.
Recycling Guides & Newsletters

Sorting Guides

Learn what’s recyclable in San Benito County by checking our residential, multi-family, and business sorting guides available below!  Interested in learning more about how to recycle right?  Visit our resources page!


En Español

Residential Newsletter – Journeys to Zero Waste

Our Journeys to Zero Waste Residential Newsletter is the best source for information on how to recycle, reduce waste, reuse, compost, and properly dispose of household waste for Recology San Benito County residential customers.  Review our current and past newsletters here!



En Español

Commercial Newsletter – Waste Zero News

Our Waste Zero News Commercial Newsletter provides real-life examples of successful recycling and compost programs.  Find out more about how your business can become participants in the Green Business program, and how to dispose of hazardous and electronic waste. Review our current and past newsletters here!



En Español