Find the answers to some of our most commonly asked questions by selecting a category below.
If you’re unable to locate an answer, contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
Tips & Guidelines
Did you know food scraps, uncoated food-soiled paper, and yard waste can be composted into a nutrient-rich soil amendment? Finished compost creates a valuable product used in parks and gardens. Approximately 30% of all material that ends up in the landfill could have been composted instead. When you keep food scraps, food-soiled paper and yard waste separate from your garbage, you extend the life of our landfills and conserve resources.
Food & yard waste collection is included with your residential garbage subscription at no additional cost! Food & yard waste is collected weekly on the same day as your garbage collection. To sign up for service, submit a Modify Service Form or call Recology CleanScapes at 206.767.3322.
Put these types of materials in your food and yard waste cart: |
Food scraps
Food-soiled paper
Yard debris
DO NOT place these items in your food & yard waste cart: | ||
King County Backyard Food Composting Guide on composting food and yard waste in your own backyard.
Download the Food & Yard Waste Poster
Watch the Kitchen Composting 101 video below for tips.
More videos from King County: Love Your Leftovers | Shop Smart | Store It Right
If you can’t reduce, recycle!
If you have more materials to recycle than will fit in your cart, put them in a cardboard box (2′ x 2′ x 2′ or smaller) next to your cart.
The following materials are accepted in your recycling cart. All containers must be clean and empty.
For items that are recyclable but require special handling, please see the Special Item Recycling page.
Download the Recycling Poster
Curbside Collection
Please place items next to or on top (not inside) cart. Contact customer service or visit the Special Item Recycling page for set out instructions and to request a pickup. |
Drop Off For comprehensive hazardous waste disposal information, call King County’s Local Hazardous Waste Management Program at 206-296-4692 or visit Download the Small Business Hazardous Waste Disposal flyer. |
Please follow these instructions when disposing of latex paint cans:
Metal cans or plastic buckets containing latex paint must be dried out and then put in the garbage. Cans or buckets containing wet paint are NOT allowed in the garbage.
Please follow these instructions when disposing of oil-based paint cans:
Single-family Residential Customers:
Recology CleanScapes provides free curbside collection of motor oil for single-family residential customers.
Please fill out a Special Item Recycling Collection Form by selecting your city below to let us know you’d like a pick-up:
Bothell Burien Carnation Des Moines |
Issaquah Maple Valley SeaTac Shoreline |
Motor oil must be:
For businesses and apartment customers, or to dispose of quantities greater than 3 gallons, please see Hazardous Waste Drop-off Centers.
Hazardous waste items are NOT allowed in the garbage. For information on disposing hazardous wastes from your business, please visit the King County Hazardous Waste website. Find out if your small business is eligible to receive free hazardous waste disposal. Find additional information on the flyer below.
Download the Small Business Hazardous Waste Disposal flyer.
Recology CleanScapes offers free curbside collection of button, alkaline, and rechargeable batteries for Burien single-family & multi-family residential customers.
Curbside Battery Collection
Put household batteries inside a tightly sealed plastic bag, and place on top of your closed recycling cart on collection day. Please place rechargeable batteries in a separate sealed plastic bag.
Apartment Battery Collection
Apartment and condominium owners must call or submit a Special Recycling Item Request to arrange for a collection. Service must be requested by the bill payer on record. Please DO NOT set batteries next to carts or containers.
Property Managers: Establish a centrally located collection container at your property – a lobby, multi-use room, mail room or clubhouse – for residents to place their bagged batteries.
Please note: Motor vehicle/marine batteries are NOT accepted in your curbside recycling. Most battery retailers and auto repair shops accept auto batteries for recycling.
Drop Off
Residential customers may also drop off household batteries at The Recology Store Highline.
Unused medicines are accepted in the garbage, however there are better ways to dispose of them.
Medicines flushed down the toilet add unwanted contaminants to surface water bodies and marine habitats. Medicines put in your garbage could be found and accidentally consumed by children or pets, or resold illegally.
Drop Off: Controlled substances can be dropped off at Burien Police Station located at 14605 Ave SW during business hours. For additional drop-off centers, visit the Take Back Your Meds website or call 425-388-3199.
Recology CleanScapes provides free on-call collection of fluorescent tubes and bulbs (CFLs) for residential customers. Call our customer service team to arrange a pick-up of these materials. For commercial, apartment and condominium customers, service must be requested by the bill payer on record.
Fluorescent lights contain small amounts of hazardous substances and must be recycled separately from all other recyclables. Please DO NOT put them inside your recycling cart.
Please follow these instructions to recycle fluorescent tubes and bulbs:
Bothell Burien Carnation Des Moines |
Issaquah Maple Valley SeaTac Shoreline |
Drop off
Customers may also drop off tubes and bulbs at the nearest Recology Store:
Additionally, LightRecycle Washington is a program that allows individuals and businesses in Washington to recycle up to 10 mercury-containing lights per day for FREE. You can recycle straight and curved fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and High Intensity Discharge Lights (HIDs) at authorized LightRecycle collection sites. Visit to find a collection site near you.
Putting loose sharps into the garbage is a health risk for solid waste workers. The best ways to dispose of sharps generated in the home is through a local pharmacy, a mail-in program, at your doctor’s office, or at a designated drop-off location.
If the options above are not available, syringes may be disposed of in the garbage if placed in puncture resistant container such as a number two (2) PET pop bottle, with a tight fitting or taped lid and labeled “SHARPS, DO NOT RECYCLE.” King County information is available at King County Local Hazardous Waste Management Program website or by calling the King County Household Hazards line at 206-296-4692; or by emailing
Contact your local pharmacy and ask about their “sharps” collection services. Many Bartell Drugs stores offer sharps disposal containers and will dispose of sharps/needles for a fee. Contact your local Bartell Drugs store for more information.
Purchase a postage paid, mail-in container. For more information on where to purchase, search for “sharps mail in programs” on your computer, ask your doctor, or contact the following companies:
BioMedical Waste Solutions
GRP & Associates, Inc
Source: King County Local Hazardous Waste Management Program
Recology CleanScapes will collect empty, small, disposable, camping-style propane cylinders or cans when pick up is requested. Please schedule a Special Recycling Item Collection or call 206.767.3322 to request collection. Residential customers may also drop off empty camping-style cylinders at The Recology Store Highline.
We do not accept large propane tanks. If you have refillable propane tanks for your barbeque, make sure to reuse them or drop them off at a certified take-back facility. You can find local facilities by searching online.
Recology CleanScapes offers free curbside collection of small appliances for Burien single-family & multi-family residential customers.
Single-family Residential Customers:
Please follow the instructions below to recycle small appliances:
Small appliances are also accepted at The Recology Store Highline.
Apartment and Condominium Customers:
Apartment and condominium customers must call or submit a Special Recycling Item Collection Request Form to arrange collection. Service must be requested by the bill payer on record. Please DO NOT set appliances next to carts or containers.
Small appliances are also accepted at The Recology Store Highline.
Large Appliances: For larger items, call Recology CleanScapes Customer Service to schedule a pick-up. Fees may apply.
Electronic waste, or e-waste, including computers, monitors, and televisions, are not allowed in the garbage because they contain toxic materials that can be hazardous to human health and the environment. There are several options for safe disposal of these items.
Recology CleanScapes offers free curbside collection of small electronics for single-family & multi-family residential customers.
Single-family Residential Customers:
Please follow the instructions below to recycle small electronics:
Laptops, tablets, cell phones, desktops, TVs, printers, peripherals, LCD Monitors, CRT Monitors, and hard drives can be dropped off at The Recology Store. Items dropped off at the store are collected by Electronic Recyclers International. ERI is both R2 and e-Steward certified and responsibly recycles or refurbishes all e-waste received. ERI also performs data destruction in accordance with Department of Defense and National Institute of Standard and Technology protocol to ensure 100 percent data destruction.
Apartment and Condominium Customers:
Apartment and condominium customers must call or submit a Special Recycling Item Form to arrange collection. Service must be requested by the bill payer on record. Please DO NOT set appliances next to carts or containers.
Drop-off Options:
Computers, laptops and televisions can be taken to E-Cycle Washington drop-off locations where they are collected for reuse or recycling at no charge. Call 1.800.RECYCLE or visit the E-Cycle Washington website for e-waste disposal locations and information.
The Take It Back Network also provides information on how to dispose of all unwanted electronics.
Bulky Item Collection
Recology CleanScapes offers on-call removal of large items such as furniture or appliances for a fee. Please follow these instructions:
To request a pick-up, submit a Bulky Item Request Form or call 206.767.3322.
Fees apply for bulky item collection. Please review applicable fees.
Large Item Collection (once yearly at no cost)
Once each calendar year, Burien residential customers may place one larger item (i.e. mattress, dishwasher, refrigerator) at the curb for pick-up. Limits apply:
Fees apply for additional items.
To locate a drop-off location visit King County’s “What Do I Do With?” page.
Recology CleanScapes will collect unflocked, undecorated, natural trees in lengths up to 4 feet. Customers that already subscribe to food & yard waste collection can put their tree out for normal collection.
Residential garbage customers in our Burien service area who do not already subscribe to food & yard waste collection can also have a properly prepared tree collected for composting during the first two full weeks of the new year for no charge. Contact customer service at 206.767.3322 or at to schedule a tree collection on the day when our food & yard waste truck is in your area.
Flocked trees are not accepted in food & yard waste collection because the flocking can often contain non-compostable materials including adhesives, flame retardant, or additives to make the flocking glitter and shine. Flocked trees are considered garbage, and are not accepted at tree recycling facilities.
Unflocked, undecorated, natural trees can also be dropped off for recycling at the following locations for a fee:
Pacific Topsoils – Tukwila
5900 S 129th St, Seattle
Bow Lake Transfer Station
1880 Orillia Rd. S, Tukwila
Recology CleanScapes offers free curbside collection of dry, clean clothing and household textiles (sheets, towels, table cloths, etc.) from residential customers in Burien on an on-call basis. Textiles must:
To request a textiles collection, please submit a Special Recycling Item Collection Form or call Customer Service at 206.767.3322.
If your items are reusable, please consider donating to a local charity instead.
Burien residential customers may also drop off textiles at The Recology Store Highline.
Recology CleanScapes offers Burien single-family and multi-family residential customers free curbside collection of Styrofoam™ block on an on-call basis. Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) blocks, such as picnic coolers and packaging used to protect new appliances and electronic equipment should have all stickers and labels removed, be secured inside clear plastic bags, and placed curbside on the pre-arranged collection day.
To request a Styrofoam™ collection, please submit a Special Recycling Item Request Form or call Customer Service at 206.767.3322.
Please NO:
To dispose of Styrofoam™ packing peanuts, bag and place in your garbage cart or drop off at a mailing specialty store for reuse.
Burien residential customers may also drop off Styrofoam™ blocks at The Recology Store.
Styro Recycle in Kent also accepts Styrofoam™ blocks and packing peanuts for recycling.
You can recycle ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal items. Items must:
Place item(s) inside cart or secure (i.e., bundle or box) next to cart.
License plates:
In order for an old license plate to be accepted in curbside recycling, the month and year tabs must be removed or invalidated, and the plate must be bent so that it cannot be used on a vehicle. Please check with the Washington State Department of Licensing website to ensure that you do not recycle a license plate type that must be taken into a vehicle licensing office for disposal.
Call Customer Service to request collection of clean wood at 206.767.3322.
You don’t. You take them back next time you go to the dry cleaners. That’s reuse which is even better than recycling. Please do not put wire or plastic hangers in your blue recycling bin; hangers jam equipment at the recycling plant. Recycling bins are for bottles, cans, paper, cardboard, and hard plastics, such as plastic cups and molded plastic packaging.
As of 2020, plastic bags and wrap are no longer accepted in curbside recycling bins. Please check with your local grocery store to see if they offer a take-back program. Many stores have such programs and offer easy drop off near the check-out counter. You can also visit to view a list of drop-off locations.
Burien customers may select from several different garbage container sizes and save money by recycling and composting more.
Need a large container? Learn more about drop box services.
Holiday Collection Schedule
Recology CleanScapes operates regularly on all holidays except for Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. If your collection day falls on or after one of these three holidays, your collection will be one day later that week.
For example, if your regularly scheduled collection day falls on Thanksgiving Day, Recology CleanScapes will collect your material on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. If your regularly scheduled collection day is Friday, your materials will be collected on Saturday.
Service Alerts and Weather Delays
If extreme weather conditions make it unsafe for our trucks to pick up your garbage, recycling, or food and yard waste, Recology CleanScapes will try to collect materials on the first day that regular service resumes.
At that time, Recology CleanScapes will pick up extra materials equal to what would have been collected on the missed collection day(s) at no charge. Please check the homepage for current collection information during storms.
To report a missed collection, please call 206.767.3322, send us an email, or use the Missed Collection Form. Please notify Recology CleanScapes within 24 hours of the missed collection. Recology operates during normal business days in the City of Burien so if your collection is missed and reported on a Friday, collection will occur the following Monday.
Please keep in mind:
Set Out Time
Residential materials must be set out by 7am on collection day. Apartments, Condos and Commercial materials must be set out by 5am on collection day.
Material Preparation
If you find a tag on your materials titled “we’re sorry,” please correct the problem indicated. If you are a residential customer and would like us to return and collect the materials before your next collection day, there is a $7.09 return trip charge.
Collection Calendar
If you are uncertain of your collection day, login to your account to view your collection calendar, send us an email, or call 206.767.3322.
View the collection calendar.
To temporarily stop service, please contact us. You will not be billed for stopped collections if the request is made at least one week prior to the affected collection day.
View the Debris Boxes and Construction Services page to find container sizes, FAQs, and service brochures.
The maximum allowed weight is 14,000 lbs due to safety concerns. If the debris box weighs more than 14,000 lbs, the container will be off-loaded at the customer’s expense. Materials such as dirt, concrete, bricks or other heavy materials add tremendous bulk and weight to the container.
Use our online form to Request a Debris Box.
Residents who generate minimal garbage, or landfill bound materials be able to save money by reducing their garbage service level. Call your Recology company to see how they can “right size” your service based on material type and volume.
Taxes on your garbage bill consist of:
Washington State Refuse Tax – 3.6%
These funds are used to provide financial assistance to local governments for repair and maintenance of public works projects.
Burien City Utility Tax – 6%
Utility tax revenue provides basic City services such as police protection, parks and street maintenance, human services, jail and environmental services.
King County Hazardous Waste Fee
This monthly fee is collected by the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County to fund the Hazardous Wastemobile and the Hazardous Waste Collection facilities at transfer stations throughout the county. You can learn more at
Payment Options
Pay by e-Check or credit card online or by phone:
Call 206.521.5107 or visit our online payment center to pay with a check or with a credit/debit card. You will be asked to provide the following account information, which is indicated on your invoice: Recology CleanScapes customer number, invoice number, method of payment and payment amount. Your transaction will be securely processed.
Pay by automatic deduction:
Automatic payment makes paying your bill easy. Each billing period you will receive your bill via regular mail or, if you receive e-Billing, you will receive an email notification that your bill is ready to be viewed (see Billing Options, below). Your bill will be paid by automatic deduction from your bank account on the 20th of the month or the first business day following the 20th.
To sign up for this service, download and submit the request for automatic deduction payment form. Requests received by the 20th of the month will take effect on your next bill.
Pay by check:
Mail your check and invoice payment stub to:
Recology CleanScapes
P.O. Box 34260
Seattle, WA 98124-1260
Processing of payments mailed to any other address will be delayed. By sending a check as payment, you authorize Recology CleanScapes to use information on your check to make a one-time electronic debit from your account at the financial institution on your check. This electronic debit for the amount of your check may be withdrawn from your account as early as the same day we receive your check. For further information about this check conversion process, please visit or call our Customer Service at 206.767.3322.
Billing Options
Additional Information About Your Account:
Past Due Accounts: An account is past due if payment is not posted by the end of the billing period. Payments received on weekends and holidays will be posted on the next business day. A 1% finance charge per month will be applied to any past due amount. Failure to pay invoices by the specified due date can result in the suspension or cancellation of services and the submission of your account to an external collection agency. Recology CleanScapes reserves the right to remove containers if service is suspended for non-payment. There is a $10 container redelivery fee to resume service. In order to resume services on a delinquent account, all charges must be paid in full. You may be required to make a prepayment.
Returned Payments: If a payment is rejected due to incorrect information or insufficient funds, you will be charged a returned payment fee of $20.
Property Owners: Property owners and tenants are both equally responsible for timely notification of changes in occupancy and/or property ownership. The property owner is ultimately responsible for these charges unless he or she notifies Recology CleanScapes of a change in occupancy within ten (10) days of a tenant’s move-out date.
Billing Disputes: If you have questions and/or disputes about your bill or service, please call Recology CleanScapes Customer Service at 206.767.3322 to speak with a representative.
Taxes and Surcharges: Your Recology CleanScapes bill includes all required taxes and surcharges.
Taxes on your garbage bill consist of:
Other Questions: For questions or comments about your service, please email us at or call Customer Service at 206.767.3322.
View Bills Online
You will need your account number and the phone number on your account to register. This information is provided in the service guide you receive in December, or you can call customer service.
Click the login button at the top of any page. You can use your Recology CleanScapes account to:
If you do not already have an online account, you’ll need to create an account first by using the New Account Form:
Bothell Burien Carnation Des Moines |
Issaquah Maple Valley SeaTac Shoreline |
You can create a Recology CleanScapes online account to view electronic invoices, make electronic payments, and view your account information and pickup schedule. To create an online account, you will need your Recology CleanScapes customer account number and the phone number we have on file for your account. This information will be included with the Service Guide you receive in May. Please call customer service at 206.767.3322 if you need this information.
Once you have this information, follow these simple steps to set up your online account:
1. Navigate to Pay My Bill.
2. Select “Login: City of Burien customers.”
3. Register your account:
If you have not registered for a username and password, click on “Click here to register.” Fill in your information and at the bottom of the registration form, enter the phone number associated with your account. If you need to update the phone number, call 206.767.3322. When you have completed the form, click “Register.”
4. Check your email:
An email containing a link to confirm registration will be sent to your email address. Follow the instructions in the email to confirm your registration.
5. Login:
You can now return to the login page and use your newly registered username and password to login to your account.
You may sign up for service or change your container size by calling Customer Service at 206.767.3322 or by submitting the appropriate form: