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Available Services
Recology Organics facilities produce a variety of compost and soil amendment blends from various organic materials that we recover from nearby communities. Compost, custom blends, and mulch products are available for sale to commercial customers. The Recology Organics team also provides consultation services to customers who wish to optimize their soil amendment blend with minerals and other supplements. Most Recology Organics facilities also serve as green waste or food waste drop off centers. Disposal fees vary, so please contact us for rates.
Household & Hazardous Waste Drop Off
It is illegal to put household hazardous waste in the trash or recycling carts. When hazardous wastes end up in a landfill, they can cause serious threats to humans, wildlife and the environment. Please drop off these items at this facility for safe disposal.
Construction and Demolition Debris
As buildings are constructed, remodeled or demolished, metal, wood, sheetrock, rigid plastic, and other construction materials can be recovered and made into recycled construction material.
Customer Service Office
The customer service offices are available to pay your bill in person, speak to a Customer Service Representative, or simply meet our team.
Transfer Station
Our transfer stations serve as public drop-off locations for materials to be hauled and processed at nearby compost or recycling facilities. Depending on the facility, items may be sorted and then taken to their respective processing facilities based on material type. Transfer stations typically accept all sorts of recyclable materials. Please see the accepted items list or check with us before visiting to ensure acceptance of certain wastes.
MRF (Recycling Center)
Materials Recovery Facilities serve as an important part of our recycling process. This is where recyclables are sorted and baled by commodity, and then shipped to paper mills, glass plants, and other manufacturers to be made into new products. Some MRFs accept material from the public.
Yard Debris Drop Off
This facility accepts yard debris for drop off and composting. Yard debris may consist of leaves, branches, twigs, soils, or plants.
Recycling Center
Drop off recyclable materials for proper recycling at this location. We'll make sure that it gets recycled instead of heading to landfill.
Green Waste and Food Waste
This facility accepts residential and commercial green waste and food waste. Green waste may consist of leaves, branches, twigs, soils, or plants, and food waste may consist of food scraps, peels, and bones.
Green Waste and Food Waste
This facility accepts residential and commercial green waste and food waste. Green waste may consist of leaves, branches, twigs, soils, or plants, and food waste may consist of food scraps, peels, and bones.