Whether you’re a business owner, property manager, or resident of the City of Oroville, we work with you to tailor recycling, composting, and landfill programs based on your needs. Learn more about garbage collection, recycling, and composting in Oroville, and view the collection calendar or our residential rates.
Materials such as food scraps (fruit and vegetable peels, leftovers), yard waste (grass clippings, leaves), and soiled unlined paper products (napkins, paper towels). These materials are collected for composting, where they break down to create nutrient-rich soil. We do not accept compostable bags.
Materials such as paper, cardboard, glass, plastics, aluminum, and metal. After collection, these materials make their way through a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), where they are sorted and baled to become new viable resources.
Materials that are not recyclable such as non-recyclable plastics (bags and saran wrap), Styrofoam, wax-lined paper, soiled materials, and other waste that cannot be recycled or composted. These materials are collected and sent to a landfill facility for disposal, where they are managed according to environmental regulations and waste management practices.
Drain all sauces and liquids from your organics and place them loosely inside the container. If you feel the need to bag your organics, please use uncoated paper bags, as we do not accept plastic or “compostable” bags in the organics bin.
Food Scraps
- Bread, grains, and pasta
- Cheese & yogurt
- Coffee grounds with paper filter
- Eggshells
- Fruit (pits & peels)
- Leftovers and spoiled food
- Meat (including bones)
- Seafood (including shellfish)
- Tea and tea bags
- Vegetables
Food Soiled Paper
- Coffee filters
- Greasy pizza boxes
- Paper plates
- Paper bags, napkins, tissues, and towels
- Paper take-out boxes and containers
- Tissues
- Branches and brush
- Flowers and floral trimmings
- Grasses and weeds
- Leaves
- Small tree trimmings
- Cotton balls and cotton swabs
- Dryer lint
- Hair, fur, and non-synthetic feathers
- Natural corks
- Sawdust
- Small, clean, untreated lumber
- Vegetable wood crates
- Wooden chopsticks
Unacceptable Materials
- ANY plastic
- Aluminum foil or trays
- Cat litter or animal feces
- Ceramic dishware or glassware
- Clothing, linens, and rags
- Cooking oil
- Diapers
- Dirt, rocks, or stone
- Flower pots or trays
- Foil-backed or plastic-backed paper
- Glass, metal, or plastics
- Liquids or ice
- Paper milk, juice, and other beverage cartons
- Plywood, pressboard, painted or stained wood
- Recyclable or clean cardboard or paper
- Styrofoam
Recycling must be loose, free of a plastic bag liner. Recycling must be clean and dry. Give food and beverage containers a light rinse.
- Aluminum cans
- Aluminum foil and trays
- Caps and lids from bottles, jars, and steel (tin) cans
- Paint cans (must be empty or dry)
- Spray cans (must be empty)
- Steel (tin) cans
- Bottles (leave caps on)
- Buckets (metal handle ok)
- CDs, DVDs, CDROM & Cases (remove paper insert)
- Coffee cup lids
- Containers and clamshells
- Laundry detergent bottles
- Molded plastic packaging
- Tubs and lids
Unsoiled Paper
- Bags (paper only)
- Cardboard (non-waxed)
- Cereal boxes and Paperboard (remove plastic liner)
- Computer and office paper
- Egg cartons (paper)
- Envelopes (windows okay)
- Junk mail and magazines
- Newspapers
- Packing or Kraft paper
- Phone books
- Sticky notes
- Shredded paper (place in paper bag)
- Wrapping paper (non-metallic)
- Glass bottles and jars only
(metal caps and lids too)
Unacceptable Materials
- Batteries
- Ceramic dishware or glassware
- Coat hangers
- Clothing and Fabric (we suggest donating to a shelter or thrift store)
- Electronics
- Food scraps
- Glass mirrors and windows
- Light bulbs and HIDs
- Plastic items mixed fabric or rubber
- Scrap metal
- Soiled paper (paper plates, napkins, tissues, towels, take-out boxes, and greasy pizza boxes)
- Styrofoam
- Waxed cardboard
- Wood
- Yard trimmings
Landfill Materials
- Cat litter and animal feces (bagged)
- Ceramic dishware or glassware
- Cigarette Butts (put out – run under water prior to disposal)
- Coat hangers
- Dental floss
- Diapers
- Feminine Hygiene Products
- Glass mirrors and windows inside a double brown paper bag and smashed in small pieces
- Waxed cardboard and paper
- Waxy paper milk or juice cartons
Landfill Materials
- Mylar (shiny metal) bags (potato chips, candy bars, balloons, etc)
- Pens and pencils
- Plastic items mixed with metal or rubber
- Rubber bands
- Six-pack ring holder – please cut up
- Sponges
- Styrofoam
- Twist ties
- Wood – small pieces of plywood, pressboard, and painted or stained wood
Unacceptable Materials
- Appliances
- Asbestos
- Batteries
- C&D Debris
- Cooking oil and grease
- Dirt, rocks, or stone
- Electronics
- Fluorescent or HID light bulbs
- Food scraps, soiled paper, or yard trimmings
- Household hazardous waste or chemicals
- Large items (furniture, metal, plastic, wood)
- Liquids or ice
- Motor oil
- Needles or syringes
- Paint
- Recyclable cardboard, glass, metal, paper, or plastic
- Toys with electronics or batterie
Set Out Instructions
Container Sizes
Residential Landfill
Commercial Landfill
Residential Recycling
Commercial Recycling
Residential Compost
Commercial Compost
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Residential Rates
Rates for mixed recyclables are factored into landfill costs Rates for mixed organics are factored into landfill costs |
Commercial Rates
Rates for mixed recyclables are factored into landfill costs Rates for mixed organics are factored into landfill costs |
- Baking soda, apple cider vinegar, salt, and lime or lemon juice are commonly used household items to decrease insects and odors.
- You can utilize these items by spraying the top of your cart or container with vinegar or lime/lemon juice and sprinkling salt or baking soda to help dry up insects.
- Store your organics container in a cool, shady spot when possible. Keeping the containers cool makes them less attractive to pests, and keeping the lids closed helps contain odors.
- Freeze your food scraps in a paper bag and dispose of it the night before your service day.
- Line the bottom of your organics container with newspaper, food-soiled paper, or yard waste (grass, leaves, sticks, flowers, plants).
- Rinse your organics container with diluted vinegar and let it air dry when you’re ready to clean it.
- Use lime or lemon and baking soda to scrub odors away.
Free Indoor Compost Bins Free Indoor Compost Pails - Free indoor bins are available to qualifying Oroville commercial and multi-family residential properties (5+ units) for the collection of organic waste. A variety of containers and lids are available — please contact the City of Oroville to request containers.
- Need a pail? Pick one up for free at City Hall at 1735 Montgomery Street (limit one pail per household). Pails will be provided on a first come first serve basis while supplies last. For questions, please contact the City of Oroville.
Disability Accommodations Senior Discount - Accommodations are available to customers who are unable to set their carts at the curb. For no additional charge, they can be collected from a side or back yard. To apply, contact our customer service specialists.
- Individuals who are over 55 and within the city limits of Oroville are eligible for a discount. To apply, call our customer service specialists.