Maxwell Transfer Station - Recology Butte Colusa: Butte County
California Cont.
Maxwell Transfer Station
Where to Find Us
  • 3852 Co Rd 99W
  • Maxwell, CA 95955
  • 530.438.2622
Location Map
Our Hours
  • Monday – Friday: 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
    1st and 3rd Saturdays of the Month: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Recology Maxwell Transfer Station provides solid waste disposal services to both municipal and commercial customers in the Colusa County area.   This facility accepts recycling, greenwaste, and household trash.  This facility only accepts the following household hazardous materials:   Motor Oil and Filters, Appliances, E-Waste, Batteries, Fluorescent Tubes, Paint, and Sharps.

General Manager:
Doug Speicher


Available Goods and Services

Green Waste Icon
Green Waste

This facility accepts residential and commercial green waste for composting. Green waste may consist of leaves, branches, twigs, soils, or plants.

Electronic Waste Drop Off Icon
Electronic Waste Drop Off

Electronic and universal waste, such as consumer batteries, cell phones, and TVs are prohibited from the trash and recycling carts because they contain poisonous heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium that can pollute groundwater and pose harmful effects to public health. Please drop off these items at this facility for safe disposal.

Recycling Center Icon
Recycling Center

Drop off recyclable materials for proper recycling at this location. We'll make sure that it gets recycled instead of heading to landfill.

Yard Debris Drop Off Icon
Yard Debris Drop Off

This facility accepts yard debris for drop off and composting. Yard debris may consist of leaves, branches, twigs, soils, or plants.

Transfer Station Icon
Transfer Station

Our transfer stations serve as public drop-off locations for materials to be hauled and processed at nearby compost or recycling facilities. Depending on the facility, items may be sorted and then taken to their respective processing facilities based on material type. Transfer stations typically accept all sorts of recyclable materials. Please see the accepted items list or check with us before visiting to ensure acceptance of certain wastes.