Electronics Recycling & Universal Waste - Recology Ashland
California Cont.
Electronics Recycling & Universal Waste

Electronic and universal waste contain a variety of potentially harmful components such as lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, and flame retardants. If improperly managed, these materials contaminate soil and groundwater and may impact surrounding areas.

Electronic Waste Examples: computers, TVs/monitors, non-commercial printers, tablets, keyboards, mice, etc.

Universal Waste Examples: motor oil, automotive batteries, fluorescent light tubes, compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs, and medical needles.

Batteries Can Spark Trouble


Under the Oregon E-Cycles program, and through a partnership between Recology Ashland and Universal Recycling Technologies (URT), seven electronics per day are accepted at the Recology Valley View Transfer Station free of charge.

NOTE: If TV or monitors are cracked, place duct tape over the crack. Place all pieces in a box and tape shut. Label box “Broken Screen” before bringing it to the Transfer Station.

Fluorescent Lights
Fluorescents contain mercury and are prohibited from the trash. Customers may take the material to the Valley View Transfer Station for a fee.

Keep in mind: Using one compact fluorescent bulb eliminates the need to burn 110 pounds of coal to generate electricity. It also prevents 450 pounds of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from reaching the atmosphere and contributing to climate change (18seconds.org).