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News Archive for King County: Tukwila

The Truth About Recycling: 7 questions with the Recology Head of Sustainability Image
The Truth About Recycling: 7 questions with the Recology Head of Sustainability

In honor of this year’s Earth Month theme: “Planet vs. Plastics”, Julia Mangin, Head of Sustainability at Recology, recently sat down for a Q&A to dispel some of the myths around recycling, discuss the complexities around the recycling process, and explain the importance of contributing to the circular economy. Read on for Julia’s answers to […]

Rethinking waste: Recology’s methane reduction strategy Image
Rethinking waste: Recology’s methane reduction strategy

Landfills, the third-largest source of methane emissions globally, significantly contribute to the climate crisis. While the waste management industry traditionally relies heavily on landfills, an alternative approach that focuses on resource recovery—diverting material from landfills for recycling into new products or returning to the earth—is paramount in methane reduction. Reuters, Dec. 12, 2023. 

Residential Billing Update Image
Residential Billing Update

Attention Tukwila residential customers: Recently, you should have received your first invoice from Recology King County for your solid waste services during the months of November and December. It has come to our attention that there was an error on the bill that you were issued. The City Utility Tax was incorrectly listed on your […]

Here’s how we could become better recyclers in WA | Op-Ed Image
Here’s how we could become better recyclers in WA | Op-Ed

Although Washington’s recycling system is working well, there’s always room for improvement. That’s why Anthony Brocato, General Manager of Recology King County, is encouraged to see the Washington State Legislature take up proposals that will improve circularity across the state. The Seattle Times, Jan. 8, 2024. 

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Service Update Image
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Service Update

Recology King County will be honoring the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, 1/15. There will be no service occurring on Monday, and collection will be delayed by one day this week. Please place your carts on the curb on the day after your normal day of service.

Billing Update 1.5.2024 Image
Billing Update 1.5.2024

Dear Recology King County Customers,  Recology recently experienced a cybersecurity incident which caused some of our systems and applications to be temporarily unavailable. Because of this outage, you may have experienced a delay in billing.   Customers who are billed quarterly will be billed January 12th for their November, December, and January service.   Customers who are billed […]

Billing Update Image
Billing Update

Dear Recology King County Customers,  Recology recently experienced a cybersecurity incident which caused some of our systems and applications to be temporarily unavailable. Because of this outage, you may have experienced a delay in billing.   Customers who are billed quarterly will be billed December 15th for their October, November, and December service.   Customers who are […]

Important Service Change Information Image
Important Service Change Information

With the Recology Tukwila Solid Waste Contract taking effect on November 1st, we want to ensure that all customers have access to the necessary resources for a successful transition.   It has come to our attention that some residents have not received the scheduled mailer information notifying residents of the upcoming solid waste service change, and […]

Welcome To Recology Guides Image
Welcome To Recology Guides

Recology King County will begin servicing your city on November 1st. We recently sent out guides to all Tukwila residents and businesses to answer questions about this transition.