News Archive - Page 3 of 49 - Recology
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News Archive for King County: Burien

Holiday Curbside Residential Garbage Event Image
Holiday Curbside Residential Garbage Event

Attention, Burien Residential Customers! During the week of December 25th through the 30th*, Burien Residential customers can set up to 3 extra bags (32-gallon or kitchen garbage bag size) or cans of garbage out for collection. Place your extra trash out next to your existing garbage can on your garbage service day and we’ll do the […]

Billing Update Image
Billing Update

Dear Recology King County Customers,  Recology recently experienced a cybersecurity incident which caused some of our systems and applications to be temporarily unavailable. Because of this outage, you may have experienced a delay in billing.   Customers who are billed quarterly will be billed December 15th for their October, November, and December service.   Customers who are […]

Burien Service Update 12.11 Image
Burien Service Update 12.11

Attention, Burien residents! We were unable to collect recycle on Monday, 12/11. If you typically receive service on this day, please leave your cart(s) at the curb to be collected on Tuesday, 12/12. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please be assured, we are doing everything possible to service all of our customers as quickly as […]

Burien Service Update 12.6 Image
Burien Service Update 12.6

Attention, Burien residents! We were unable to collect recycle on Wednesday, 12/6. If you typically receive service on this day, please leave your cart(s) at the curb to be collected on Thursday, 12/7. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please be assured, we are doing everything possible to service all of our customers as quickly as […]

Yard Waste Service Update Image
Yard Waste Service Update

Attention, Burien residents! Last week, we were unable to complete our yard waste service route on Friday, 11/3. If you typically receive service on this day and you were missed, please note that your yard waste cart(s) will be collected on your next scheduled service day, and any extras you have will be collected at […]

Calendar Correction – No Changes to Recycling Service Week Image
Calendar Correction – No Changes to Recycling Service Week

Attention Burien Customers! Last November, Recology provided a mailer to customers that flips the recycling service weeks starting in July. This mailer was incorrect. Customer’s biweekly recycling collections will continue as normal through the end of the year. Please continue to put your recycling out for collection on the weeks you normally would. Contact customer […]

Recology King County: Artist in Residence Program 2023 Welcomes Residency Recipients Haein Kang and Amanda Manitach Image
Recology King County: Artist in Residence Program 2023 Welcomes Residency Recipients Haein Kang and Amanda Manitach

Haein Kang : Through the lens of art, Haein Kang scrutinizes contemporary technologies closely intertwined with politics, the economy, and culture. Human aspirations for a better future often drive technological progress to deliver bigger and faster outcomes. However, this increase in economic efficiency provides only momentary gratification, not ultimate fulfillment. Kang’s art practice challenges that […]

City of Tukwila awards 10-year collection contract to Recology King County Image
City of Tukwila awards 10-year collection contract to Recology King County

In three years, Recology has renewed long-term contracts with the City of Des Moines, the City of Issaquah, and the Seattle Public School District. The company was also awarded new contracts with the University of Washington, the City of Mercer Island, and now the City of Tukwila.   On Monday, Sept. 19, the Tukwila City Council […]

Recology King County Circular Economy Roundtable Image
Recology King County Circular Economy Roundtable

Recology sees a world without waste. This vision guides us in all that we do. As a hauler, recycler, and composter we strive to do all that we can to divert materials from landfills, and instead have them used, and reused over and over. Transforming that which is discarded into the building blocks of tomorrow.  […]