Recology Sonoma Marin is preparing to open its new material recovery facility (MRF) in Santa Rosa, California, Jan. 29. Recology says the facility reflects its efforts to shift the industry from traditional waste management to resource recovery, “in pursuit of a world without waste.” Waste Today, Jan. 26, 2024.
Landfills, the third-largest source of methane emissions globally, significantly contribute to the climate crisis. While the waste management industry traditionally relies heavily on landfills, an alternative approach that focuses on resource recovery—diverting material from landfills for recycling into new products or returning to the earth—is paramount in methane reduction. Reuters, Dec. 12, 2023.
Though the Bay Area has always been a leader in recycling, it can now boast one of the most high-tech mass recycling facilities in the nation, owned by Recology Sonoma Marin. This is where thousands of blue boxes come when they come to Recology, and this is also where the magic begins. KTVU, Jan. 25, […]
Expanding programs help farms grow crops that ‘support your health’. As more cities implement and expand curbside food scrap collection programs for composting, farmers are speaking out. The Davis Enterprise, Oct. 13, 2023.
The West Coast waste hauler and processor fuels 90% of its vehicle fleet via renewable or alternative fuels. It set new goals on landfill emissions and facility power. Waste Dive, Sept. 27, 2023.
San Francisco-based waste and recycling firm Recology says it has achieved a goal it set four years ago to power its fleet with 90 percent renewable or alternative energy sources. Waste Today, Apr. 11, 2023
Congrats again to Recology Davis driver Gustavo Arriaga for being named Regional Residential Driver of the Year by the National Waste & Recycling Association! Davis Enterprise, Mar. 28, 2023
Congrats again to Recology South Valley driver Sal Plascencia for receiving Honorable Mention for Regional Commercial Driver of the Year by the National Waste & Recycling Association! The Morgan Hill Times, Apr. 5, 2023
In three years, Recology has renewed long-term contracts with the City of Des Moines, the City of Issaquah, and the Seattle Public School District. The company was also awarded new contracts with the University of Washington, the City of Mercer Island, and now the City of Tukwila. On Monday, Sept. 19, the Tukwila City Council […]