My practice explores the various factors associated with assimilation narratives, particularly as they pertain to language, labor and notions of visibility. I am interested in communicating how these components have contributed to the formation of my family’s identity as it transitions into a second and third generation of U.S. citizens. Inspired by first-hand experiences and oral histories these works find root in sculpture, performance and installation. They further gesture toward an understanding of how my own perception of identity formation has often resulted in the internalization of systems of oppression. My practice utilizes research in raciolinguistics and Chicano history to further contextualize formed perceptions of Mexican-immigrant and Mexican-American identities. Taken as a whole, my work toggles between a poetic indexical investigation and a loose historical narrative of a commonly overlooked set experiences that inform the American immigrant identity.

Photos and press release for this artist.

Residency: October 2019 - January 2020
Art Exhibition: Friday, January 24  &  Saturday, January 25  &  Tuesday, January 28

Visit Victor Yañez-Lazcano's website