How is latex paint recycled?
Paint is typically recycled and reused whenever possible. All cans are usually inspected to make sure the paint is in good enough condition to remix and reuse. Paint is not remixed if it contains rust, mold, or is too thick from drying out over the years. The collected paint is oftentimes sorted by warm or cool colors, and then poured into mixing drums and re-sealed.
Many times, recycled paint is purchased or donated to local organizations to support cleanup projects for parks or schools. Some Recology locations accept paint for recycling (please check the Household Hazardous Waste information), or you may contact Paintcare to find your nearest drop off location.
This Household Hazardous Waste (HHW), along with any other HHW you may have, can be dropped off every third Saturday of the month from 9am – 12pm (noon) at the John Smith Road Landfill. This event is FREE for San Benito County residents (proof is required). Maximum of 15 gallons or 125 pounds per load accepted.
More information on this event can be found here.
The John Smith Road Landfill is owned by the County of San Benito and operated by Waste Connections Inc.